ICT focus point

After reading Kristie’s post that posed the topic that the focus of ICT should be on pedagogy, not on technology I had to stop and think about my answer.  Since my relationship with ICT is a fickle one, and I am a big believer in the ‘how‘ of things, my initial thoughts were that yes the focus should be on pedagogy and not technology. However after thinking about this statement I recalled a situation teaching my Kindergarten class.  We were learning colors and I decided that we didn’t need to be in the classroom to do this and the lesson could be conducted outside in a game.  This was a great idea but one that was built on the assumption that all children knew their colors – A fact I overlooked.  It didn’t matter how I taught the class, how much fun it was or how interactive or diverse it was, if the children did not know their colors to begin with they could not fully participate.  This is the same for any subject and any age group.  If the student does not understand the concept of what they are learning, then how it is taught is not going to matter.

So in my opinion I neither agree or disagree with this statement.  I think it is one of those times when their is no definitive answer.  Yes the way the content is taught is important, but so is the content.

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